Document 1861 DOCN M94A1861 TI Training on AIDS trainers and community relays: the example of ENDA in Senegal. DT 9412 AU Gueye M; Etchepare C; Sy A; Environment and Development Actions in the Third World, Dakar,; Senegal. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):434 (abstract no. PD0346). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370714 AB OBJECTIVES: In order to extend geographically and carry on actions on AIDS sensitization, ENDA has been training relays who are able to spread information on AIDS within community-based (CB) groups in a permanent and culturally accurate way. METHODS: ENDA has been developing actions on AIDS sensitization in partnership with many CB organizations (women, youth, rural and urban communities...) wishing to be involved in spreading of information on AIDS and promoting behaviour change. We ask the most dynamic among them to identify inside their community, literate and very motivated persons we will train. A guide-line for relays and a booklet for trainers are already designed. RESULTS: Eleven training sessions gathering 216 leaders in their communities, have been performed during a pilot phase from January 1993 to February 1994. Among relays are actors, educators and community leaders. They have in common their dynamism and involvement in their community. After the training session, each relay elaborates a programme of activities which aims at informing adequately their communities. Up to now, the evaluation follow up (eight sessions has showed that the relays have acquired the knowledge provided in these sessions. The evaluation of other training sessions will be presented. THE RELAYS FORUM: To intensify the fight against AIDS, concerted actions within the community, valorization and capitalization of activities have been undertaken by relays. They have set up a relays forum in February 1994, to coordinate their activities. The results of which will be presented. CONCLUSION: To reach behaviour change, the training of relays belonging to the communities themselves may be an appropriate method to vehicle messages culturally adequate. It will help identify new indicators to behaviour change. The setting-up of a forum of relays seems to foster a dynamic capable of developing their initiatives and of strenthening their motivations. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Adolescence Adult Female *Health Education Human Senegal Teaching/METHODS MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).